venerdì 30 settembre 2011

Second REALaw Research Forum:Pluralism in European Administrative Law

The Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw), in cooperation with University of Groningen and the Utrecht University, is organising a one-day colloquium in order to give researchers working in the area of European administrative law the opportunity to present their work (in progress) and to encourage exchange between scholars in this field. The Second REALaw Research Forum will be held in Groningen on February 3rd 2012.
Call for papers
The mutual relation and influence of European Union law and national law has been studied from the top-down and bottom-up perspective (e.g. REALaw 2009/2). Yet, it is submitted that there is another dimension emerging in this mutual relationship. This dimension reflects a more ‘horizontal’ approach in the sense that the main focus is the relationship between national actors who exchange information, opinions and ideas about how European law rules, institutions, principles and concepts should or could be interpreted and further developed. This process is enhanced by the operation of formal and informal networks of, for instance, national judges who may shape European law through a mutual dialogue, without necessarily turning to the ECJ for guidance.
While European Union legislation aims in the first place at the harmonization of various specific areas of law, such as social and economic law or environmental law, the general rules and principles of administrative law are often no more than instrumental in achieving the aims of sector specific or functional harmonisation and an aid to the implementation of substantive EU law. The impact of European Union law on the general part of national administrative law is not primarily prompted by the desire to harmonise, unify, or coordinate these general parts. It is at all times related to the question to what extent this is necessary to achieve a certain degree of harmonisation of substantive law and to guarantee legal protection. For these reasons the rules and also ECJ case law that touch upon the general features of administrative law are often open ended, leaving quite some scope for further substantiation by national actors, a sort of ‘harmonisation light’.
This phenomenon of ‘pluralism in European administrative law’ is the main focus of the Second REALaw Research Forum. Papers that deal with processes of development of the law in a pluralistic context in the particular area of the ‘semi-harmonised’ general rules and principles of administrative law are welcome.
Participants wishing to present a paper should submit a CV and a 250-word abstract outlining the presentation to the managing-editor of REALaw: Dr. K.J. de Graaf ( Abstracts are to be submitted before December 1st 2011. Selection will be made by the editorial board of REALaw as soon as possible thereafter. Full papers will be considered for publication in REALaw.
Date: February 3rd 2012
Venue: University of Groningen, The Netherlands (
Registration fee: €100 (conference, lunch, drinks and conference materials).

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