domenica 9 giugno 2013

Ronald Dworkin: An Appreciation

Jeremy Waldron 

New York University School of Law

June 7, 2013

This is a brief tribute to Ronald Dworkin and an overview of the contributions that he made to jurisprudence. It is a written version of remarks that were presented at the Memorial Service for Professor Dworkin, at St. John's Smith Square, London, on Wednesday, June 5, 2013. The remarks cover his view of adjudication, the right answer thesis, and the obligation that lawyers, scholars and judges have to the whole body of the law. It also covers the view – which I call the artery of Dworkin's jurisprudence – that legal reasoning is a form of moral reasoning. And it relates all this to the unifying ideas about dignity in "Justice for Hedgehogs."
Number of Pages in PDF File: 8
Keywords: adjudication, dignity, Dworkin, integrity, law, legality, positivism, rights, right answer thesis, rule of law, separation 

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