giovedì 15 settembre 2016

STALS Newsletter

Dear friends and colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the contents of this new STALS newsletter.

Stals Research Papers

F. Masini, “Towards a Federal Structure of Economic Governance in the Eurozone”, STALS Research Paper 1/2016, 
M. Kölling , ”The EU budget - from a bargaining tool to a federal budget?”, STALS Research Paper 2/2016, 
STALS events
29 September 2016
“A genealogy of public security: the theory and history of modern police powers”
4 November  2016
 “Crisi dell'euro e conflitto sociale. L'illusione della giustizia attraverso il mercato”
1 December 2016
“Il principio dei best interests of the child: un dialogo”
New Projects
European Public Law-ius (Eur.Publ.ius) 574669-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE
All the best from Pisa,

the Editors

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